1- He embezzled public money.

2- EldadSpotlight examined the way MLAs use public money to rent their offices.

3- And, in case you haven't noticed, public money is currently in rather short supply.

4- But Maj Gen Richard Semple denies that public money has been wasted.

5- But they also saw a lot of public money spent on the election.

6- Cities and states nationwide have long struggled with how much public money to spend on stadium projects.

7- Councils in Greater Manchester currently control £5bn of public money each year.

8- EXPO is a conspiracy to launder public money, Grillo told a news conference in Milan.

9- Footage of the middle-aged assemblyman, who has reportedly admitted misusing public money to police, went viral.

10- Funding was a mix of private donations and public money.

11- Guertler offered to organise a public money collection for the flight or bus ticket for Conka.

12- He was also shown to have spent hundreds of pounds buying alcohol for his allies in parliament, with public money.

13- Kevin Lacey of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation said Gerry Byrne should resign his federal seat to save public money.

14- Maalouf called the new contracts "theft of public money".

15- Ministers have been criticised by Welsh Tories for spending public money on projects in the centre of Cardiff.

16- The goal is to allow virtually any child to attend any school, public or private, with public money.

17- The same public money, Braila added, was probably being used to arm separatists in southeastern Ukraine.

18- The use of public money has long been a stumbling block to stadium development for an NFL team in Southern California.

19- But Hamida Pahalwan soon arranged a rematch between both wrestlers to compensate the public money.

20- public money and resources should not be used to undermine the efforts of the private sector".

21- Representative from California 1895-1897, Receiver of public moneys in California 1921-1925.

22- The assembly will allocate about £60,000 of public money towards funding the programme.

23- The fund required communities to raise matching funds, including the use of public money and the support of school boards.

24- Rodríguez was charged of using public money to stay in a private hotel in New York during the Puerto Rican Day Parade.

25- Earlier in 2007, Solent TV director Linda Ovnik went on record stating that not 10p of public money had been spent on the station.

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