1- I'm sorry to hassle you again, but I'm having trouble getting my computer to work, and I was wondering if you could help me.

2- It was a real hassle for me to get a credit card because I've never borrowed money from a bank or anything, so I didn't have a credit rating.

3- Daily hassles and environmental factors such as noise are important determinants of daily stress.

4- Writing a bibliography for a university essay is such a hassle.

5- You have to follow this really complicated format and the prof takes off marks for even the tiniest little mistake.

6- hasteFinding shoes that fit me is a real hassle because my feet are quite thin, and one foot is actually almost a size bigger than the other.

7- To maximize your chances of an enjoyable, hassle-free holiday, get informed about your destination before you go.

8- A good guided tour to England will allow you to visit the maximum number of sites with a minimum of hassle.

9- Renting a car in London is more of a hassle than a help for a number of reasons.

10- My parents hassled me a lot about doing my homework and stuff while I was growing up, but now I'm happy they did because it taught me good study habits.

11- The police often seem to hassle young people that are just hanging out on the streets with friends.

12- We didn't want the hassle of a big wedding, so we got married in our living room, and only invited a small group of family and friends.

13- Daily hassles and environmental factors such as noise are important determinants of daily stress.

14- To maximize your chances of an enjoyable, hassle-free holiday, get informed about your destination before you go.

15- It may seem like a hassle, but I think you ought to go back to the basics and start over.

16- Haste makes waste they say.

17- NekoKanjyaMy boss always hassles me to work overtime, but I'd rather spend the time with my family and friends.

18- Every time a pretty girl goes to a nightclub, she gets hassled by drunks trying to ask her out.

19- Studies show that the more hassles you have to deal with in your daily life, the more likely you will suffer from health problems.

20- Registering for courses is such a hassle, with line-ups, forms to fill out, and all that.

21- We had to change classrooms twice during the session, it was a total hassle.

22- Fitbit promotes the incorporation of physical fitness into a daily routine with minimal hassle,"" Cecilia says."

23- Selling your furniture is quite the hassle and buying new items to redecorate is very expensive.

24- 'That is a big job and a lot of hassle,' he said.

25- The industry's lobbying group, the American Gaming Association, argues the change would be an expensive hassle.

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