1- I challenge anyone who thinks abortion is 'safe' to watch a video of a late-term abortion.

2- I wasn't sure I agreed, but I could understand how people believed that late-term abortions were uncivilized.

3- She says it was a "late-term pregnancy," although she did not specify how far along the baby was in its development.

4- The option for a safe late-term abortion was a blessing for me.

5- There's overwhelming support for a late-term abortion ban, particularly among women and young people.

6- Tiller was among a few U.S. physicians known to perform late-term abortions.

7- Whitman enraged conservatives by opposing a ban on late-term abortions sent to her by the state legislature.

8- Whitman enraged conservatives by opposing a ban on late-term abortions sent to her by the state legislature.

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