1- Were they returning home after a long absence?

2- Not a permanent parting but long absenceat least.

3- This period marked the band's longest absence from performing.

4- I am SO sorry about my long absence!

5- I also extend my apologies for a rather long absence.

6- I must apologize to you for my long absence.

7- Their affection and concern for each other survived the long absences .

8- Was there any reason for this long absence?

9- After a long absence, they both come back together!

10- Nathan Mahl return after a long absence.

11- I have recently come home to England after a long absence.

12- The meeting followed a long absencewhich due to the Iraqi invasion.

13- She resurfaces at Cathy's birthday party after a long absence.

14- We were back in the area visiting family after a long absence.

15- WINTER tours and a hectic summer schedule mean long absences for many cricketers.

16- After a long absence, we finally return home to our own soul.

17- Sisters and Brothers, sorry for long absenceand missed you all.

18- Augsburger EV would have been directly promoted, after a long absence.

19- But too many working hours are unhealthy and can lead to a longer absence .

20- While they are away from the table, Tony notices their long absence.

21- In 2010 Jakarta Symphony Orchestra staged a comeback after a fairly long absence.

22- He fears that her affection for him has died out during his long absence.

23- It was a long absence.

24- It was a long absence.

25- Joe Reiling has also recently returned to KLOS after an even longer absence .

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