26- The guys kept coming back and that's a good sign for all of us."

27- The message is photos, videos are never coming back, and this was one case that there is that chance."

28- 'The whole process of leaving and never coming back is very difficult,' Sullivan said.

29- Those jobs aren't coming back soon.

30- Today they're coming back-and getting roughly the same deal that was on the table during the summer.

31- We kept coming back and they kept slipping away."""

32- 'And now, 10 years later, they're in Grade Eleven and are coming back tonight to do the same thing,' she said.

33- 'I feel my stress level going down and my sense of humor coming back.'

34- 'I think there's a lot to be said for coming back year after year, like we have, and trying to get better.

35- 'If he gets a step on you, there's no coming back from that.'

36- 'If it's worth coming back, then come back.

37- 'It may be somebody operating here, it may be somebody abroad, it may be somebody coming back, somebody going.

38- 'Our mids were coming back to help as well and our wings were running the full length of the field.

39- 'People were coming back into town and telling me who was rescued and how they were rescued,'' he says.

40- 'The funds coming back into the game as a result of their success will be used with that end firmly in mind.'

41- 'The leverage that companies took on in the last few years is now coming back to haunt them,' Block said.'

42- 'They are both stoked about coming back and playing again,'?he said.

43- A better relationship with Russia might be a positive factor for North Korea in coming back to the six-party talks.

44- All I know is that we were all told we're coming back.

45- And each year we just keep coming back,' said Konen.

46- And even after seeing so many of their shows, it's what keeps me coming back.

47- And he's not particularly interested in coming back anytime soon.

48- Are the fascists coming back to France?

49- As far as when I am coming back, who cares?

50- As she crossed Mathews Road to visit her neighbor, the cars suddenly appeared coming back toward her westbound.

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