76- I was abroad on vacation.

77- The exact location of the President's vacation spot is unknown.

78- Children are really looking forward to summer vacation.

79- The long vacation will give him back his health.

80- I'll be taking a vacation next month.

81- I am going to do odd jobs during the spring vacation.

82- It is good for them to work during their vacation.

83- He got stopped by a policeman for going through a red light while on vacation there, but was able to avoid a ticket by bribing the cop with $20.

84- We've had to revise our vacation plans because my sister's family has decided to join us.

85- I spent more than threequarters of my summer vacations traveling.

86- WestofEdenThey have a cottage on the lake, and they spend a good part of their summer vacation there every year.

87- We camped there through summer vacation.

88- She took advantage of her paid vacation and went skiing.

89- SwiftI laid out a schedule for the vacation.

90- Dave and I are waiting for our vacation times to coincide so that our families can go camping together.

91- I'm not sure what sort of clothes to take on vacation because I don't what kind of weather to expect.

92- I have some reservations about vacationing in that country because of their high crime rate.

93- I studied in the morning during the summer vacation.

94- We're longing for the summer vacation.

95- I spent the major part of my vacation at my uncle's.

96- In fact, there is a joke about passport photos If you really look like the picture in your passport, you certainly need a vacation!I am going to work during the spring vacation.

97- Frederico Fellini once remarked, "Making movies is my vacation.

98- All the rest - the travelling about to premieres, the social life, the endless arguments with producers who don't understand me - that is the work.

99- "We decided on a trip to Singapore for our vacation.

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