1- There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which states that spirit is the sword, and experience the sharpening stone.

2- shaveSamurai swords are produced by repeatedly heating, folding and pounding steel into a multi-layered blade.

3- He did the crossword with ease.

4- We watched a street performer who was juggling a guitar, a sword, a scarf, a flaming torch, and book, all at the same time.

5- Now that people can steal passwords, illegal impersonation is becoming a serious problem.

6- He has swords and purse.

7- A longsword sheathed in an intricately engraved scabbard.

8- Kendo is a Japanese martial art in which people fight using bamboo foils or wooden swords.

9- Martin Luther King said that non-violence is a sword that heals.

10- The present password is eosdigital.

11- This carving knife .

12- .

13- .

14- it's one made by a famous swordsmith.

15- Shakespeare wrote that the sword can never win the honor which one loses.

16- There is an Afghani proverb that observes that poor iron won't make a sharp sword.

17- The password is Mountain.

18- If someone says Mountain, you reply River.

19- Run one's enemy through with a sword.

20- The ancient Romans lured swordfish within range of their spears by using boats shaped like their prey.

21- An Arab proverb states, "Let the sword decide only after the plan has failed.

22- "While in the hospital, she has been occupying her time doing crossword puzzles.

23- The sentry demanded the password from everyone.

24- There is a Turkish proverb which observes that you cannot forge a good sword from bad iron.

25- The teacher made a crossword puzzle for the students to review their vocabulary before the test.

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