1- Even children need to make sense of the world.

2- It doesn't make sense to me.

3- His thesis doesn't make sense.

4- To begin with, its theme is obscure.

5- I can't make sense of these sentences.

6- What he is saying doesn't make sense.

7- His explanation doesn't make sense at all.

8- That just doesn't make sense to me.

9- Joseph Mankiewicz once noted that the difference between life and the movies is that a script has to make sense, and life doesn't.

10- What he is saying does not make sense.

11- Humans carve the world into meaningful chunks called categories in order to make sense of our environment and the objects contained within it.

12- What she said did not make sense.

13- He was so drunk that his explanation did not make sense.

14- What he told us the other day simply doesn't make sense, does it?

15- What he said doesn't make sense to me.

16- What is he talking about?

17- It just doesn't make sense.

18- Humans carve the world into meaningful chunks called categories in order to make sense of our environment and the objects contained within it.

19- And so, does it make sense to continue?"" said Cienski, an executive with a U.S. outdoor apparel firm."

20- At least I wasn't the only one that had to read it more then once to make sense of it.

21- Both theories contain a kernel of truth, but are not sufficient to make sense of Sanders' success.

22- But a lot of things that make sense about the Pacers haven't been happening of late.

23- Did it somehow make sense"" to Ismaaiyl Brinsley, the accused shooter?"

24- Did it make sense that, before she had even shown anyone her body, her body had felt old and damaged?

25- Everything has to fit, everything has to make sense.

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