1- There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which states that spirit is the sword, and experience the sharpening stone.

2- shaveThere is a Saudi Arabian proverb which states that blind eyes see better than blind hearts.

3- A Saudi Arabian proverb notes that beauty is power.

4- Approximately 4 million foreign workers play an important role in the Saudi Arabian economy, expecially in the oil and service industries.

5- A Saudi Arabian proverb notes that the tongue of experience utters the most truth.

6- There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which states that if a wife is unfaithful, then the husband is partly to blame.

7- There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which says that good qualities never cancel out the bad, just as sugar is no antidote for poison.

8- There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which states that a book is like a garden carried in the pocket.

9- There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which suggests that love sees clearly, hate even more so, but jealousy sees the most clear because it is equal to love plus hate.

10- A Saudi Arabian proverb tells us that insults must be written in sand, and compliments carved in stone.

11- A Saudi Arabian proverb states that forgiveness is more satisfying than revenge.

12- A Saudi Arabian proverb observes that where there is a will there is a way.

13- Where there is no will there is an excuse.

14- There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which suggests that talent without skill is like a desert without an oasis.

15- A Saudi Arabian proverb claims that obedience to a woman leads to hell.

16- There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which states that the soul of a fool is always dancing on the tip of his tongue.

17- There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which states that if you have much, give of your wealth, and if you have little, give of your heart.

18- A Saudi Arabian proverb remarks that he who predicts the future lies, even if he tells the truth.

19- A Saudi Arabian proverb remarks that what wise men suppose is worth more than the certainties of fools.

20- There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which claims that it is better to die in revenge than to live on in shame.

21- There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which holds that the whisper of a pretty girl can be heard further than the roar of a lion.

22- There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which states that great care is no defense against fate.

23- There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which observes that men learn little from success, but much from failure.

24- There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which observes that talent without skill is like a desert without an oasis.

25- A Saudi Arabian proverb remarks that youth is a kind of illness cured only by the passing years.

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