1- What will become of our close relations if the bilateral security treaty expires?

2- China showed its anger over the allegations by shutting down a bilateral working group on cyber security.

3- He promised to advance bilateral relations in trade, culture, tourism and other areas.

4- Looking ahead, there is still room for growth in bilateral trade.

5- This week's bilateral talks between U.S. and Iranian officials were aimed at breaking the deadlock.

6- We have no bilateral issue to discuss."""

7- 'We have a bilateral arrangement with Cambodia.

8- 'We have been discussing inside the government ways and means of upgrading bilateral ties,' Rijiju said.

9- A few months after being elected, Park visited the U.S. to mark 60 years of bilateral partnership.

10- Abe aims for a resolution of the lingering issue that has hammered bilateral ties between the two East Asian US allies.

11- After holding bilateral talks, President Obama and President Kenyatta said they were "united against terrorism".

12- All negotiations for the period 2011 to 2013 were settled at the bilateral level and without any industrial action.

13- Almost all of the alliance's members have signed bilateral free trade agreements with the EU.

14- And he could invigorate longstanding efforts to negotiate a bilateral investment treaty (BIT) with the United States.

15- Another positive development from the nuclear talks are the extensive bilateral discussion between the US and Iran.

16- Apart from attending the main event, a bilateral meeting with President Putin could also take place, Timonin said.

17- Austrian officials have been critical of Hungary's quickly built border fences, saying they damaged bilateral relations.

18- bilateral agreement allows Norwegian to fly between the United States and any point in European Union territory.

19- bilateral deals would be signed during Abbas' visit, Wallstrom said, and peace negotiations would also be pushed along.

20- Both Ghani and Abdullah have vowed to seal a bilateral security pact with the U.S. that Karzai has refused to sign.

21- Bridge loan could come through bilateral loans?

22- But how will this impact the already strained bilateral ties?

23- But missing is a reading of the bilateral extradition treaty between the United States and Italy.

24- China has long rejected arbitration to resolve the disputes, insisting it would resolve them bilaterally.

25- Details were to be settled in bilateral agreements.

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