1- Averil Coxhead has noted that feedback is an important part of the language-learning cycle.

2- It is important to give positive feedback to your children in all their efforts.

3- Find someone who has paid all her/his fees for this course.

4- feedbackThe feedback we have received from our customers regarding our new supper menu has been very positive.

5- Our market researchers are responsible for getting feedback from potential customers before a new product is released.

6- Students are encouraged to give each other feedback after their presentations to the class.

7- Computer programs can give instant feedback to students as to whether their answers are right or wrong.

8- Averil Coxhead has noted that feedback is a vital part of the language-learning cycle.

9- The only feedback I got back from my coach after the game was that I was too slow.

10- Our market researchers are responsible for getting feedback from potential customers before a new product is released.

11- Our market researchers are responsible for getting feedback from potential customers before a new product is released.

12- The feedback she received from her classmates after her presentation was very positive.

13- Warren Bennis once said that it is important to make sure you have someone in your life from whom you can get reflective feedback.

14- Our market researchers are responsible for getting feedback from potential customers before a new product is released.

15- He put his guitar too close to the amplifier, and it made some really loud feedback.

16- I'm getting some loud feedback from this microphone.

17- Could you take a look at it?Penelope Leach once observed that loving a baby is a circular business, a kind of feedback loop.

18- The more you give, the more you get, and the more you get, the more you feel like giving.

19- looseKenneth Blanchard once suggested that feedback is the breakfast of champions.

20- Interactive computer language programs allow for immediate feedback on one's answers to exercises.

21- Our market researchers are responsible for getting feedback from potential customers before a new product is released.

22- Regular, positive feedback is essential so that employees know that their efforts are appreciated.

23- fellowAfter Ken presented his plan to his co-workers at their weekly meeting, he asked everyone for feedback that would help him to improve the project.

24- I don't mind criticism of my work as long as the feedback is constructive rather than just negative.

25- Your doctor needs feedback from you regarding treatment options so that you can choose the best treatment together.

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