1- We avoid the expensive and glamorous holiday spots when we go to Europe for our vacation.

2- I will take advantage of the summer vacation to travel abroad.

3- I've finally got some vacation coming as of the end of this week.

4- She can hardly wait for the summer vacation.

5- I went back to my village during the summer vacation.

6- All the children are eagerly awaiting the start of summer vacation.

7- We avoid the expensive and glamorous holiday spots when we go to Europe for our vacation.

8- I am anticipating a good vacation at the seaside.

9- It's three years since I had a real vacation.

10- We went to the coast for our summer vacation.

11- We stayed at my aunt's during the vacation.

12- It is stipulated that we should receive a month's vacation every year.

13- Find someone who has spent a vacation in an exotic location.

14- expandShe applied to the chief for a vacation.

15- Illness cut short his vacation.

16- I saw the sights of Kyoto during my vacation.

17- He gave us an essay to write during the vacation.

18- A majority of Japanese workers plan to take more than three consecutive days of summer vacation.

19- It was just unfortunate that it rained every day during our vacation in Hawaii.

20- Our long vacation has passed all too soon.

21- I spent my vacation in Hakone.

22- I swam in the afternoons during the summer vacation.

23- EldadShe changed her hairstyle during summer vacation.

24- Each employee is entitled to a two week paid vacation per year.

25- rk City was recently named by Americans as the most dangerous, least attractive, and rudest city in the country, but was also the top choice as the city where they would most like to live or visit on vacation.

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