26- I wonder if he can lend me his guitar during the vacation.

27- The students are looking forward to the summer vacation.

28- Someone once joked that a vacation is a holiday from everything except expenses.

29- I'll ask him where he is planning to go during the vacation.

30- Do you have a Christmas vacation in Japan?

31- I spent my vacation at the beach.

32- If I can get through with my exams, I'll take a long vacation.

33- The exact location of the President's vacation spot is unknown.

34- I went to Los Angeles on vacation last month.

35- All I can think about is next month's vacation.

36- I haven't been on one in so long.

37- I thought it better that she should take a vacation.

38- It took years of saving, but their seagoing vacation come true at last.

39- Where are you going on your vacation?

40- Let's enjoy the long vacation.

41- He has gone to Hawaii on vacation.

42- We had a short vacation in February.

43- Ever since my brother and his family have come back from their vacation in Cuba, they have raved about the country.

44- You should insure all your valuables before you leave on vacation in case something happens while you're away.

45- I put a portion of my salary into a savings account each month to use for our summer vacation.

46- I'm on a paid vacation.

47- We had a couple of days of cloudy weather, but our vacation was otherwise perfect.

48- How long is your spring vacation?

49- We had a chat about our plans for the summer vacation.

50- I was wondering if I could take a vacation next week.

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