51- I am looking forward to walking around the Izu Peninsula with some of my friends during summer vacation.

52- We should discuss our summer vacation plans with your sister to see if she wants to bring her family camping with us.

53- Only 12% of French people take their annual vacation abroad.

54- The Japanese government has been trying to legislate more holiday time for its workers because people often don't use their vacation time in that country.

55- We spent the last day of our vacation relaxing on the beach in Puerto Vallarta.

56- The professor sacrificed his vacation to finish his book.

57- I am looking forward to the summer vacation.

58- The boss offered me either a raise or additional vacation time, so I chose the latter.

59- My wife is terrified of flying, so we never go very far for our vacations.

60- We had our vacation at the lake.

61- I anticipate a good vacation.

62- I anticipated a quiet vacation in the mountains.

63- She spent a good deal of money on her vacation.

64- I take a vacation this week.

65- She is now on vacation.

66- Our vacation will soon come to an end.

67- We always spend our vacation by the sea.

68- I cannot afford the time for a vacation.

69- I concurred in giving up my vacation for my family.

70- Hundreds of excited, happy children spilled out of the school when the bell rang to signal the beginning of summer vacation.

71- Club Med caters to couples and families that want to have an active, exciting vacation.

72- He played golf day after day during his vacation.

73- You are welcome to the use of our house while we are away on vacation.

74- I expect to take a vacation in May.

75- He enjoyed the vacation to his heart's content.

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