1- The kiwi of New Zealand is the world's only bird which has a sense of smell.

2- Even children need to make sense of the world.

3- The company where Hiroshi works imports beer from the U.

4- S.

5- and Germany, and exports Japanese beer all over the world.

6- The shelves were covered in knick-knacks and ornaments collected during her travels around the world.

7- Marajo Island in Brazil is the world's largest island surrounded by fresh water.

8- Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that people do not seem to realize that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character.

9- The Pacific is the largest ocean in the world.

10- Coral reefs cover just 1 percent of the sea floor, but harbor as much as one-quarter of the world's marine species.

11- Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, has the largest man-made harbor and port complex in the world.

12- The Prime Minister is calling on the world community to scrap all nuclear weapons.

13- Charles Yesalis has claimed that geneticists around the world now believe there could be genetically-altered athletes as soon as the 2004 Summer Games.

14- My neighbors went on a cruise around the world after winning a million dollars in a lottery.

15- As a leading financial center, Switzerland caters to millionaires and celebrities from all over the world.

16- The book read most in the world is the Bible.

17- The United Nations has suggested that the richer countries of the world need to commit more money to the elimination of starvation in the developing world.

18- The various components are manufactured by different suppliers around the world, and assembled in our factory in Mexico.

19- He is eager to get on in the world.

20- Composer Franz Schubert once said, "I am in the world only for the purpose of composing.

21- "The museum has one of the largest collections of native Indian art in the world.

22- Nowadays, there are still a few groups of people in different parts of the world who do not have permanent homes.

23- There are a lot of different peoples in the world.

24- EldadProphets have been forecasting the end of the world for centuries.

25- Karl Marx exclaimed, "The workers have nothing to lose but their chains.

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