1- We avoid the expensive and glamorous holiday spots when we go to Europe for our vacation.

2- The earliest known examples of Western art correspond approximately to the final stages of the Ice Age in Europe.

3- If you look at gas prices in Europe, the amount we pay in North America seems comparatively cheap.

4- In this course, we will examine the full spectrum of European art of the 20th century.

5- A thorough knowledge of the Christian religion is an essential parameter for understanding much of the history of European art.

6- By 1830, the islands of Fiji were flooded with sailors and traders from Australia, New Zealand, China, the U.

7- S.

8- and Europe.

9- Many central European rivers originate in the Czech Republic.

10- A lot of pioneers from Eastern Europe came to America to take up farming on the plains around the turn of the century.

11- Agriculture in Great Britain is intensive, highly mechanized, and efficient by European standards, producing about 60% of food needs with only 1% of the labor force.

12- Much of the popular, non-religious music of Europe during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance was written for soloists rather than for a chorus.

13- There has been a steady decline in the number of refugees coming from Eastern Europe now that the situation has stabilized there.

14- After I was robbed while travelling in Europe, my uncle sent me a bank draft that allowed me to continue my trip for another month.

15- In 1995, world leaders marked the 50th anniversary of the end of World War Two in Europe with three days of celebrations.

16- We avoid the expensive and glamorous holiday spots when we go to Europe for our vacation.

17- Coffee was imported into Europe for the first time in 1517.

18- He has been to Europe many times.

19- I went to Europe by way of America.

20- He had often visited Europe before that time.

21- I object to you going to Europe alone.

22- These tools were crafted by Neanderthals living in Europe over 40,000 years ago.

23- The primitive tribes of the area were quickly overpowered by the European armies.

24- The citizenry of fifteenth century Europe was able to accumulate wealth through commerce, banking and crafts.

25- We wanted to go to Europe for our holidays, but it costs a bundle just to fly there.

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