26- The foundations of the great European cathedrals go under the earth as far as 45 feet or more, and in some instances, form a mass of stone as great as that of the visible building above the ground.

27- I'm thinking of going to Europe.

28- Publications with instructions for playing musical instruments began to appear in Europe by the sixteenth century.

29- The period of the fall of the Berlin Wall was an era of great political change in Eastern Europe.

30- Roddy Doyle once said that there's a big trend in Hollywood of taking very good European films, and turning them into very bad American films.

31- All educated Americans, first or last, go to Europe.

32- Economic difficulties in some of the formerly Communist East European countries has resulted in a limited return to Marxist orthodoxy among small numbers of the population.

33- Many people who were royalty in Eastern Europe lost all their money, prestige and privileges when the communist regimes came into power.

34- By around the year 815, Vikings were sailing up the major rivers of Europe to attack the cities of England, France and Germany.

35- I don't think he is genuinely interested in European history, he just took the course because he heard it was an easy three credits.

36- Distinct styles, genres and forms of instrumental music emerged in Europe between 1450 and 1550.

37- The Communist Party is regaining popularity in Eastern Europe among people disappointed by the lack of progress under their capitalist governments.

38- European countries now share a common currency known as the euro.

39- The drum came into widespread use in Europe around the twelfth century, chiefly to keep time for singing and dancing.

40- He returned home by way of Europe.

41- The Olympic symbol is made up of five interlocking rings, standing for the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and North America.

42- She is contemplating visiting Europe this summer.

43- The rivalry between the Eastern and Western churches of Europe reached a crisis in 1054.

44- I'm planning to leave for Europe next week.

45- In the 1400s, the scandalous and corrupt life of the higher clergy in Europe began to draw sharp criticism.

46- He traveled all over Europe.

47- The children questioned us relentlessly about the countries we would be visiting during our European holiday.

48- The spread of democracy in Eastern Europe has brought both positive and negative results.

49- Charles De Gaulle originally vetoed Great Britain's application for acceptance into the European Economic Community.

50- He has been to Europe, not to mention America.

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