51- As communism collapsed in Eastern Europe, the republics and provinces of Yugoslavia began to reassert their individual identities.

52- The Gestapo was notorious throughout Europe for its ruthless efficiency.

53- sackOpera spread from Italy to the rest of Europe in the second half of the seventeenth century.

54- sprinkleIn medieval Europe, powdered gold was mixed into drinks to comfort sore limbs.

55- Their children felt more stimulated to learn a second language after they had visited Europe.

56- Poland was the dominant political power in eastern Europe from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century.

57- When did he go to Europe?

58- The culture of the Aztecs was at its peak when the first Europeans arrived in Mexico in 1519.

59- Radiation spread throughout large parts of Europe after the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl.

60- Modern colonialism in Africa started in the 16th century after the European discoveries of trade routes along the southern and central coasts of Africa.

61- His belief in communist ideology has suffered somewhat with the collapse of the regimes of Eastern Europe.

62- Built on Crete, the first major civilization in Europe was the Minoan civilization, which reached its peak around 2000 B.

63- C.

64- You must be careful when talking to a European.

65- Punctuality is thought to be a matter of course in Europe and America.

66- Europeans began to settle this country about 500 years ago, but the native people have been here for thousands of years.

67- In the early part of Canada's history, European settlers deliberately gave blankets infected with disease to the native people in order to reduce their population.

68- The Indo-European family of languages comprises among others English, French, Russian, and Sanskrit.

69- Publications with instructions for playing musical instruments began to appear in Europe by the sixteenth century.

70- The Ice Age ended in 10,000 B.

71- C.

72- when the glaciers in Europe began to retreat.

73- The primitive tribes of the area were quickly overpowered by the European armies.

74- As Europe's biggest economy, and most populous nation, Germany is a key member of the continent's economic, political, and defense organizations.

75- The current borders of the African countries were made by white politicians negotiating in the capitals of Europe.

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