1- The huge squid held the mighty whale tightly in its tentacles.

2- Helen Keller once said that the world is moved not only by the mighty shoves of the heroes, but also by the tiny pushes of each honest worker.

3- It gets mighty cold in these parts once winter sets in.

4- Find someone who has tried different methods to learn new vocabulary.

5- mightyThe brontosaurus struck the tyrannosaurus with a lash of its mighty tail.

6- Japan is a mighty nation.

7- The natural beauty of the English countryside is enhanced by its tiny villages, mighty castles and grand estates.

8- Helen Keller once noted that the world is moved not only by the mighty shoves of the heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.

9- James Thomson once wrote, "Studious let me sit, and hold high converse with the mighty dead.

10- "The King sent fifty mighty ships of war to attack the seaside castle of his enemy.

11- Basil King once stated, "Be bold and mighty powers will come to your aid.

12- "In the 11th century, Airlangga, a mighty king of Java, divided his lands among his two sons.

13- The brontosaurus struck the tyrannosaurus with its mighty tail.

14- The brave knight hacked off the dragon's head with a single mighty swing of his magic sword.

15- Jane Montgomery Campbell once wrote "We plow the fields, and scatter the good seed on the land, but it is fed and watered by God's almighty hand.

16- "A Hebrew proverb asks, "Who is mighty? One who makes an enemy into a friend.

17- "The water volume of the Congo River is second in the world only to that of the mighty Amazon.

18- Ajax was a mighty hero of the Trojan War who killed himself out of anger after the armor of the fallen warrior Achilles was awarded to Odysseus instead of himself.

19- John Dryden once noted that mighty things from small beginnings grow.

20- We were mighty pleased to hear that you would be able to visit for Christmas.

21- We were sitting in the café when we heard a mighty crash from the street.

22- The potential for hydroelectric power on the Congo River is enormous, as the river's water volume is second only to that of the mighty Amazon.

23- The brave knight chopped off the dragon's head with a single mighty swing of his magic sword.

24- Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini once stated that in Islam, the legislative power and competence to establish laws belong exclusively to God Almighty.

25- Basil King once stated, "Be bold, and mighty powers will come to your aid.

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