1- She has plenty of work to do.

2- She has an eye for the beautiful.

3- She has to strive to catch up to her classmates because She has been absent for a week.

4- She has always been a popular actress.

5- She hasn't chosen a title for her newest book yet.

6- She has a wonderful hand with children.

7- She has grown up to be a woman.

8- She has begun to play tennis not so much out of curiosity as out of vanity.

9- She has beautiful, full lips, and mysteriously seductive eyes.

10- She has an agreeable voice.

11- EldadJapan's problem has been that She has continued to view international relations as an extension of her hierarchical interpersonal relations at home.

12- You will be amazed when you hear Sarah sing, She has a beautiful voice.

13- She has a beautiful voice.

14- She has to wear a uniform to work.

15- She has been on her own since the age of eighteen.

16- She has a subtle charm.

17- She has a broad view of things.

18- She has been asked to sit on the committee.

19- They say that She has been ill in bed for a week.

20- She has suffered his ill treatment of her in silence for years.

21- She has to live on the pension.

22- My daughter is somewhat shy, but She has a real temper and doesn't let people push her around.

23- She has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

24- She has let her house furnished.

25- She has a small black dog.

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