51- She has a pretty doll.

52- She has a tiny scar on her cheek from where her brother hit her with a toy when they were little.

53- She has a dislike for snakes and mathematics.

54- She has an uncle who works in a bank.

55- She has reddish hair, whence comes her nickname Carrot.

56- She hasn't come here yet.

57- She has a good attitude about the whole thing.

58- Janet is not much of an athlete, but She has a lot of fun playing sports nonetheless.

59- She has a daughter whose name is Mary.

60- She has been busy preparing for her trip to the USA.

61- She has an English degree, and now works editing articles for fashion magazines.

62- She has a great wish to travel around the world.

63- She has traveled in foreign parts.

64- She has a bag under her arm.

65- She has been looking after her sick sister for ten years.

66- She has to stop smoking.

67- She has a kind heart.

68- She has made up her mind to go to the States to study.

69- His father is against the marriage, but his mom seems to be tilting in favor of it now that She has met his fiancé.

70- She has done her homework.

71- She has no brothers.

72- She has a great liking for rich foods.

73- She has been emotionally crippled by her experience of being sexually abused by her father all through her childhood.

74- She has just been selected as a member of the Olympic volleyball team.

75- She has made the same mistake as last time.

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