1- The Diet was totally deadlocked over the bill.

2- Renzi heads a right-left coalition stitched together after the deadlocked 2013 national election.

3- The measure deadlocked, 7-7, effectively killing it.

4- This week's bilateral talks between U.S. and Iranian officials were aimed at breaking the deadlock.

5- 'People see this deadlock in prices and it just doesn't seem to make sense.

6- A jury acquitted him of one homicide and deadlocked on another but convicted him of abusing the men's corpses.

7- A jury deadlocked in February over whether to convict him of killing Davis.

8- After four days of deliberations, the jury was deadlocked, 7-5 on an initial vote and 8-4 on the succeeding three votes.

9- After some four years of death, dying and destruction in Syria, there is finally movement among the deadlocked parties.

10- Also, a deadlock on a huge transportation projects package will enter its 21st month in January.

11- And Bosnia's EU aspirations have been put on hold by political deadlock since 2006 due to ethnic tensions.

12- Arias was convicted of first degree murder, but the jury deadlocked on life or death as a sentence.

13- Arias was spared the death penalty after her jury deadlocked in the penalty phase of her trial.

14- As the nuclear talks remains deadlocked, the human-rights conditions continue to deteriorate in North Korea.

15- Bloodshed continues amid the country's political deadlock.

16- Both the government and the opposition blame each other for the political deadlock.

17- But before the judge could tell the jury he would grant the request, the panel sent out a note saying it was deadlocked.

18- But both candidates have claimed victory, raising concerns of a political deadlock.

19- But if a jury is deadlocked, double jeopardy rules do not stop prosecutors in either country from trying the case again.

20- But the jury deadlocked on whether the former California waitress should be executed or face life in prison.

21- Congress deadlocked on legislation to curb inversions, and the Democrat-backed bills haven't come to a vote.

22- Damian Lillard lifted the Trail Blazers into a 108-108 deadlock with a 3-pointer with 10.9 seconds remaining.

23- deadlocked with six votes each, the motion failed.

24- Despite the apparent deadlock, there were signs of willingness to compromise.

25- During 18 days of deliberations, the jury was deadlocked three times before the judge declared the mistrial.

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