51- The U.N. Security Council has been largely deadlocked.

52- They deadlocked on whether committees could use bitcoins to make purchases, leaving that issue unresolved.

53- Two juries deadlocked on the central racketeering charge against Ligambi while acquitting him of lesser counts.

54- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is in Vienna to help break the deadlock.

55- We reached a deadlock, Hadi said, according to a copy of his letter of resignation obtained by The Associated Press.

56- You've got, to a first approximation, a deadlock.

57- ;Notes: * As both acts received two votes from the judges, the result went to deadlock and was referred to the public vote.

58- A mistrial was declared when the jury deadlocked 8-4 in favor of finding Willis guilty.

59- A number of strategies can be used to avoid or recover from deadlocks, both at design-time and at run-time.

60- A strong St. Mirren side fought bravely eventually breaking the deadlock through a Billy Mehmet penalty.

61- After that political deadlock, Nawaz Sharif emerged as popular personality in the politics of Pakistan.

62- After the deadlocked vote, Patti Doyle, 73, said she was disappointed in the council.

63- Breaking all such cycles guarantees both global serializability and automatic locking-based global deadlock resolution.

64- By 1917 the German army had begun employing new infiltration tactics in an effort to break the trench warfare deadlock.

65- Commute During July and part of August 2007, Illinois lawmakers were in a deadlock over approving a state budget.

66- First they turned to the insurgents, and tried to persuade them that only negotiations could break the deadlock.

67- Galkovsky's first major work was the philosophical novel ??????????? ????? (The Infinite deadlock).

68- Growing deadlock has prevented timely elections for parliament and a new president.

69- However, Bartlet asks him to run the Democratic National Convention when it seems likely to deadlock.

70- However, Grant Brebner broke the deadlock with a superb strike from outside the box in the dying minutes.

71- However, this approach can lead to a deadlock: Imagine that the operating system allows the first process to run.

72- If there is still deadlock after two months, King Felipe VI calls a new election.

73- If there is still deadlock after two months, the monarch calls a new election.

74- In general, a machine may deadlock (be blocked), or livelock (never halt), or perform one or more complete computations.

75- In order to resolve the deadlock all of the Muslims gathered in Mosque of Prophet in 18 June 656CE.

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