26- His second trial ended in a mistrial in October after jurors deadlocked.

27- His two previous trials had ended in jury deadlocks.

28- In a 2013 retrial, the jury came to a deadlock.

29- In a deadlock, jurors should have sent a note to the judge.

30- In Iberia, the situation remained deadlocked.

31- Inter-Korean relations are deadlocked after cancelled talks.

32- Iraq's politicians have been in deadlock over forming a new government since an election in April.

33- Irrespective of his resolve, Obama will face a deadlock.

34- It extends a political deadlock made all the more dangerous by the pressing threat to Iraq's territorial integrity.

35- It was all back to where it started: in a deadlock.

36- It was not immediately clear how the panel was deadlocked.

37- Jurors apologized to the Alexander family for the deadlock and said they felt Arias was trying to manipulate the panel.

38- Jurors deliberated for about seven days before telling the judge they were deadlocked on Naeem Williams' sentence.

39- On such matters, 3-3 deadlocks are the norm.

40- Reflecting the broader community debate, the first trial ended with a deadlocked jury in 2013.

41- Seeking to break the deadlock, US President Barack Obama and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, spoke by phone.

42- Still, the moderate might be just what's needed to help break the country's political deadlock.

43- Sweden faces some of the toughest challenges in modern times, Lofven said in Friday, warning of parliamentary deadlock.

44- The Arab initiative could theoretically provide a way out of the deadlock.

45- The current deadlock dates from 2006, when the military ousted Ms Yingluck's brother, Thaksin Shinawatra, in a coup.

46- The deadlock dismayed other poorer nations keen to tap CDM investment.

47- The development could break a five-year deadlock in the case.

48- The Kabul ceremony followed six months of deadlock amid a bitter dispute over electoral fraud and a recount of votes.

49- The slugger was convicted on one obstruction charge in April 2011, and the jury deadlocked on three perjury counts.

50- The source added that neither side put forward any suggestions on how to break the deadlock.

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