26- Erdogan and Ghani held a joint press conference after signing an agreement on closer bilateral ties.

27- EU also seeking to normalize ties The European Union is also keen to improve bilateral relations with Cuba.

28- Free trade and the global economy are also on the bilateral agenda.

29- French and Indian leaders have noted strong bilateral ties in defense, space, nuclear power and technology.

30- He has also participated in bilateral discussions with the United States.

31- He has rejected rebel calls for a bilateral truce, warning that this would give them the chance to re-arm.

32- He said that there was a case for a further step forward in our bilateral relations.

33- He says that the bilateral relations may normalize after 2015 only.

34- How do you expect bilateral ties to develop in the coming months?

35- How do you see bilateral ties unfolding in the coming months?

36- How may this image and style help improve bilateral ties with the US, both politically and economically?

37- In fact, American and Chinese officials are negotiating a bilateral treaty to encourage more cross-border investment.

38- In the long term, we have to transition to bilateral contacts and develop bilateral relationships.

39- India and the United States have fielded aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines in previous bilateral exercises.

40- It's absurd that people keep dying on both sides, the FARC said, repeating its call for a bilateral ceasefire.

41- Its consistent support for our country is the evidence of a strategic vision for prospects of our bilateral partnership.

42- Li will meet with Brazilian parliamentary leaders and attend the closing ceremony of a bilateral business summit.

43- Maintaining bilateral relations between Turkey and Germany is important for both governments.

44- Modi and China's president, Xi, were also set to discuss an old border dispute that has hindered bilateral ties.

45- Modi was scheduled to hold bilateral meetings with the leaders of all the other members of the regional group.

46- Moscow and Tehran want to improve relations by increasing bilateral trade, which is currently very low.

47- My hopes increased that our bilateral relations will reach a much better place, he was quoted as saying.

48- Obama also plans a series of bilateral meetings with foreign leaders on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly.

49- Of greater importance is the longer-term impact this may have on bilateral ties.

50- Only one directly related to bilateral relations with Moscow: a new nuclear arms reduction treaty.

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