51- Parallel to this architecture is the bilateral military alliances led by the U.S., which is a legacy of the Cold War.

52- Poroshenko said that bilateral cooperation should not be suspended.

53- President Karzai had been expected to sign the bilateral security agreement late last year.

54- Prime Minister Modi's visit will be the first bilateral visit to Nepal by an Indian PM in 17 years.

55- Putin had warned that Turkey's downing of the Russian fighter jet would have serious consequences for bilateral ties.

56- Putin said the bilateral meeting was "positive" and that he and Poroshenko agreed on the need to "renew our dialogue."

57- That is the nature of a deep and close bilateral relationship.

58- That said, I am not as sanguine about the future of the U.S.-Egypt bilateral relationship.

59- The agenda for the meeting is bilateral relations and North Korea, the two countries' foreign ministries said.

60- The border conflict has been a test for bilateral relations, says Wagner.

61- The Israeli government responded by cancelling bilateral talks.

62- The Obama administration has a big appetite for Iranian offers and for upgrading the bilateral relationship.

63- The other important opportunity to stabilize the region is to strengthen bilateral economic collaboration and trade.

64- The two leaders also agreed to "step up bilateral cooperation in this new context," the presidency said in a statement.

65- The two leaders met earlier this month at a summit in Panama, auguring a new era in bilateral relations.

66- The value of bilateral trade in goods between them is 60 billion euros (Can$85 billion).

67- The visit threatens to harm moves towards better bilateral ties.

68- Therefore improving bilateral trade will be crucial to strengthening bilateral ties.

69- They are in talks on a bilateral free trade agreement.

70- This would be an upgrade in current relations, where China has a significant surplus in bilateral trade.

71- Trust has been damaged, and that will have consequences for the degree of bilateral cooperation and support.

72- Ukraine's foreign minister calls for "bilateral ce..

73- We look to the Government of Bahrain to take actions consistent with our strong bilateral relationship.

74- We set up a stable regular bilateral dialogue as well as intense collaboration within multilateral fora.

75- Wen talked about enhancing bilateral cooperation and Okada was upbeat, too.

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