26- A Polish proverb states, "God grant me a good sword, but no use for it.

27- "Samurai swords are produced by repeatedly heating, folding and pounding steel into a multi-layered blade.

28- He is involved in working out a crossword puzzle.

29- The ancient Romans lured swordfish within range of their spears by using boats shaped like their prey.

30- All who take up the sword will perish by the sword.

31- He exchanged a plough for a sword.

32- Samurai swords are produced by repeatedly heating, folding and pounding steel into a multi-layered blade.

33- The brave knight hacked off the dragon's head with a single mighty swing of his magic sword.

34- He forged the steel into a sword.

35- Dad, this a real sword?

36- Of course, it is a duel after all.

37- Do not resort to the sword but appeal to reason.

38- The brave knight chopped off the dragon's head with a single mighty swing of his magic sword.

39- The children used bamboo canes to make toy swords.

40- Their swords clashed.

41- Practising sword throwing?

42- It just slipped out of my hands.

43- Half the clues for the crossword puzzle were missing, so I wasn't able to finish it.

44- A samurai in the Edo Era carried two swords.

45- He was killed with a sword.

46- The brave knight cut off the dragon's head with his magic sword.

47- Give the password.

48- The default behavior of the application was to allow 3 password attempts.

49- Find someone who enjoys doing crossword puzzles.

50- qualifyThe knight sharpened his sword in preparation for battle.

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