51- The leaves have all fallen.

52- The scales have fallen from my eyes.

53- Productivity has fallen.

54- Accordingly, workers' bonuses will be reduced.

55- The temperature has fallen below zero this morning.

56- The road was blocked by a tree that had fallen over.

57- Has she ever fallen in love?

58- Hey, is this fish tasty for real?

59- It looks like a fish that was a black porgy who'd fallen in with mobsters and been put on the countries most wanted list!?

60- A lot of my hair has fallen out.

61- Fallen rocks closed the way.

62- Some of the members of the middle class have fallen into poverty.

63- The hiker had fallen and broken his back and agonized for hours before being found by a search team.

64- The young girl drowned while trying to rescue her brother who had fallen into the river.

65- The children ran out the door to play in the freshly fallen snow.

66- The rock climber lost his grip, and would have fallen to his death had he not been held by the rope.

67- The wind has fallen.

68- It's geared pretty much towards real fighting isn't it?

69- Apart from the eyes, crotch, and attacks against fallen opponents just about anything goes .

70- .

71- .

72- I have never fallen in love with any girl.

73- The pond was dotted with fallen leaves.

74- The old man lay prone on the sidewalk where he had fallen.

75- She has never fallen in love.

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