76- The U.S. move comes in the wake of a World Trade Organization ruling that the U.S. labelling requirements were unfair.
77- The use of the cameras comes amid increased attention on police use of force in the wake of the Brown's death.
78- There are growing echoes of this debate across the rest of Europe, particularly in the wake of the eurozone crisis.
79- They came forward in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky scandal at Penn State University.
80- This is especially so in the wake of the Arab Spring as militants exploit the vacuum left by shattered institutions.
81- Thus, in the wake of Fowle's release, the world must not let up.
82- Turley said Wednesday he didn't know if the Brown family would return in the wake of the ruling.
83- Ukraine declared two days of mourning in the wake of the tragedy.
84- Was Murs was pleased to see it close in the wake of the phone-hacking scandal?
85- We did notice a little streaking left behind in the wake of the felt-covered magnets, but it wasn't a big deal.
86- Whitney says students are under a lot of pressure in the wake of the faculty strike.
87- Witnesses described scenes of horror in the wake of the blast which struck just after Sunday's ceremony took place.
88- Yanukovych is wanted for "mass murder" in the wake of last week's shootings during protests in Kyiv.
89- It's a trend that has previously been observed in the wake of other mass shootings.
90- What happened in the wake of his death was unforgivable though.
91- A batch of defense companies climbed in the wake of the Paris attacks.
92- A new generation of innovative poets has also sprung up in the wake of the Revival grouping.
93- And in the wake of the amphoras came winemakers, winemaking techniques, and cuttings of grapevines.
94- And the university said it will review its policing strategy in the wake of the shooting.
95- Bank of America acquired Merrill Lynch in 2009 in the wake of the financial crisis.
96- Bond's appearance in the story also apparently comes in the wake of a mission involving SPECTRE.
97- British arrived Bini in the wake of the Portuguese numerous expeditions to, and intercourse with, Bini.
98- But in the wake of her first admission comes a second one that Liam would love her like no other man can.
99- But in the wake of the tragedy, "we had extraordinary public support there," Knecht said.
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