1- Before people saw the movie, there were these weird press releases focusing on the unreleased music.
2- Coast management has indicated it would like to have employees hired by July 1, according to a press release.
3- 'I've admired PCC's operation for a long time,' Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, said in a press release.
4- 'Adaptive technology learns as you type for faster input with less mistakes,' LG said in a press release.
5- 'All too often our deployed military members do not get anything sent to them,' stated a press release.
6- 'We are long overdue for an honest conversation about what works and what doesn't work,' Brown said in a press release.
7- 131 Carmichael Road Suite 200 Read more press releases from Dr. Andy Mancini: Comment on this story..
8- A photograph of Rodgers is attached to this press release.
9- A place for real public opinion and not just regurgitated press releases and items and souls for sale.
10- A press release from the Passport, Immigration and Citizenship Agency (PICA) confirmed that Bakr was denied entry.
11- A statement released Wednesday evening said that an earlier press release contained incorrect information.
12- A table showing smartphone sales by platform and the full press release follow below.
13- A video further explaining InkCase Plus and a full press release follow below.
14- A video showing Fleksy in action on the Gear 2 smartwatch and the full press release follow below.
15- A video showing off this new smart light bulb, and the full press release, follow below.
16- A video showing the accessory and the full press release follow below.
17- A week later, the network issued a press release basically saying, "Gotcha!
18- About LondonTown.com Read more press releases from Kieran Kerrigan: Comment on this story..
19- About Prime Clinical Read more press releases from Sandy Thompson: Comment on this story..
20- According to an official press release, Fokaides` official visit to the Sultanate of Oman wraps up on Tuesday.
21- According to an official press release, Kouyialis met on Friday with representatives of the UAE import company.
22- According to the original press release, " ().
23- AFFAIRS 12:43: Via Email A press release reaches us from AshleyMadison.
24- After each tragedy, Jean-Marc Peillex has to issue a press release and stand for interviews.
25- All but five of the 31 press releases the committee has released since that time have focused on Clinton.
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