1- I think Tom will probably stay single all his life, he's just not interested in having a long-term relationship with anyone.
2- Eating is a requirement for living, therefore, there must be mechanisms in the body and mind that make us hungry and interested in eating at regular intervals.
3- I sent a resum� to a company I'm interested in back East, but I haven't received a reply from them yet.
4- I am interested in English.
5- Find someone who is interested in ancient history.
6- angleWell-known scientist David Suzuki has often been mentioned as a potential political candidate in this country, but he doesn't seem interested in running for office.
7- I don't think he is genuinely interested in European history, he just took the course because he heard it was an easy three credits.
8- Blake is a very superficial guy who is only interested in women for one thing.
9- I'm not interested in material gain.
10- I was not interested in his life.
11- I don't want to disillusion you, but your ex-boyfriend really isn't interested in getting back together - he's found somebody new.
12- Some students are not interested in Japanese history.
13- It was through his influence that she became interested in ecology.
14- He isn't interested in the taste of the beer, he just wants whatever has the highest percentage of alcohol.
15- Any girlfriend I have has to be interested in outdoor sports for us to be truly compatible.
16- He was mainly interested in the origin and development of the universe.
17- The children seemed really interested in the sculptures we saw at the art gallery.
18- University students who are interested in a career in agriculture may take courses including animal husbandry, and basic mechanics.
19- Sophie is interested in becoming a fashion designer, so she has to learn to sew in addition to working on her artistic skills.
20- My business partner's priorities are different from mine.
21- He's only interested in making money, but I want to develop a reputation for quality.
22- Students may opt to stay in residence if they are not interested in our homestay program.
23- My father is interested in ancient history.
24- What should I do to arouse desire in the man I'm interested in?
25- Find someone who is interested in auditing a university or college course.
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