1- He's the new CEO from the parent company in France.
2- Business executive John Sculley noted that in the industrial age, the CEO sat on the top of the hierarchy, and didn't have to listen to anybody.
3- In the information age, you have to listen to the ideas of people regardless of where they are in the organization.
4- The sudden death of the CEO had a serious impact on the company.
5- CurvaCEOus actress Pamela Henderson has announced her upcoming marriage to multimillionaire William Thorpe.
6- Shareholders in the company are said to be plotting to oust the current CEO, who is seen as being hostile to the merger.
7- A woman is giving a book a quick onCEOver.
8- In 2005, the CEO of Boeing Corporation was ousted for violating the company's code of business conduct by having an affair with a female Boeing executive.
9- The CEO pitched the advantages of the merger to the stockholders.
10- The information you received stating that the CEO has resigned is erroneous.
11- He is simply taking an extended leave for health reasons.
12- Microsoft CEO Bill Gates launched his business career at age 14 by forming a company named Lakeside Programming Group.
13- An internal audit revealed that funds had been misdirected into the CEO's private account.
14- The stunning ouster of the CEO of the corporation has resulted in a significant drop in the value of shares in midmorning trading on the New York Stock Exchange.
15- outbreakThe CEO of the company stated that the charges of corruption levelled against him were totally false.
16- Alphabet CEO Larry Page said he read three naming books while trying to come up with his company's new moniker.
17- Answer these questions: Are you smart enough to speak to the CEO of a company?
18- Apple CEO Tim Cook came out last year as the first openly gay chief executive of a Fortune 500 company.
19- Apple CEO Tim Cook described the centers as some of our most advanced green building designs yet."""
20- Aside from the national recognition, president & CEO of NRT, Bruce Zipf, has commented on Gretchen's achievement.
21- As the CEO of a publicly traded company, I could be held criminally liable for reporting false results.
22- As the CEO of HP, Carly Fiorina laid off 30,000 workers."
23- Blankfein has been chairman and CEO since 2006, and has spent more than 30 years at Goldman.
24- Brandon Clark's one-yard quarterback sneak provided OsCEOla with its final score of the night.
25- Case in point: Robert Siciliano, Boston-based security analyst and CEO of IDTheftSecurity.
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