1- He died on the day his son arrived.
2- But on the day of the mock exams, there are no club activities, so that means I can walk back home with Haruka.
3- And I'm grateful for that.
4- WestofEdenIn Danish culture, on the day of your birthday, you are supposed to stay in bed pretending to be asleep until the rest of the family bursts in with presents.
5- In Danish culture, on the day of your birthday, you are supposed to stay in bed pretending to be asleep until the rest of the family bursts in with presents.
6- He won the day by virtue of his strength of will.
7- There is a German proverb which notes that on the day of victory, no fatigue is felt.
8- I met him on the day I arrived here.
9- It seemed like the entire world was watching the television on the day Neil Armstrong landed on the moon.
10- The two fixed on the day for their wedding.
11- To her great disappointment, it rained on the day of the picnic.
12- If you can't come on the day of your appointment, be sure to let us know by the previous day.
13- There is a German proverb which notes that on the day of victory, no fatigue is felt.
14- The young couple received telegrams of congratulations from their friends around the world on the day of their wedding.
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