1- Gold prices are skyrocketing in the wake of financial instability.
2- The country has completely restructured its economic system in the wake of the fall of communism.
3- And in the wake of the downing of the Russian flight, those gaps are likely to gain renewed attention.
4- It's a trend that was accelerated as people's wallets were squeezed in the wake of the economic downturn.
5- Skiba had previously also worked as a freelancer for the BBC for two days in the wake of the MH17 crash.
6- Take Ferguson, Missouri, where there is continued unrest in the wake of Michael Brown's shooting.
7- That remains the official line, but priorities are changing in the wake of the deadly IS attacks in Paris.
8- Vickers has garnered international acclaim in the wake of the Oct. 22 attack.
9- A rebound in home prices is good news in the wake of the housing crash -- but there can be too much of a good thing.
10- A year later, the Soviet Union collapsed in the wake of an attempted hard-line coup against Gorbachev.
11- After all, in the wake of Western sanctions, he had been disinvited from attending - or hosting - G8 meetings.
12- After surviving her grief in the wake of her daughter's murder, the straw that broke Jones was a financial one.
13- As the gun control movement organized in the wake of Sandy Hook, the gun rights movement's membership boomed.
14- ASIA'S DAY: Asian markets pushed higher in the wake of the big gains posted in Europe and the U.S. on Thursday.
15- Blanc meanwhile, has delivered an apology in the wake of controversy surrounding his dubious 'pick-up' tips.
16- Blowing snow could be an issue due to strong winds in the wake of this storm system this morning.
17- But the provost who fired him, Brett Fairbairn, resigned in the wake of the controversy.
18- By 9 a.m. MT the TSX Composite was down 219 points, led by energy stocks prices dipping in the wake of the NDP wave.
19- Campaigning in Iowa, an emotional Hillary Clinton also called for stricter gun laws in the wake of Wednesday's tragedy.
20- Capital controls were imposed last week in the wake of the failure of the country to forge a new deal with creditors.
21- Cohen said it hadn't yet been determined whether the season will be canceled in the wake of Cutinella's death.
22- Consumer groups and MPs have called for greater safeguards in the wake of the changes, the paper points out.
23- De Blasio's announcement comes in the wake of some tempered news from the city's Rent Guidelines Board (RGB).
24- Duval wrote in an email that the shortcomings of CAS are garnering more attention in the wake of the Pechstein case.
25- DXY, slightly up from late U.S. levels after marking a one-week high of 80.315 in the wake of the jobs report.
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