51- O'Reilly told Letterman on Tuesday that his ratings are "twenty percent up" in the wake of the recent controversy.
52- Positive community outreach in the wake of Eric Garner's death or masterful stroke of social media propaganda?
53- Residential construction has been on the rise after a brief lull last year in the wake of a run-up in mortgage rates.
54- Russia has faced sharp criticism over its involvement in Ukraine in the wake of the incident.
55- Secret Service Director Julia Pierson resigned in the wake of the incident and other disclosures of security lapses.
56- Security is intensified in the wake of Paris attacks as the Bengals step onto the Monday Night Football stage.
57- So is it okay to snap a selfie in the wake of a tragedy, even if you did something heroic?
58- Some acknowledged that it took on a more urgent tone in the wake of those incidents.
59- Steps down: Ferguson City Manager John Shaw resigned yesterday in the wake of a blistering Justice Department report.
60- That's about to change in the wake of a major overhaul.
61- The agency was created in the wake of the financial meltdown to protect consumers.
62- The animosity worsened in the wake of the deadliest disaster to befall the annual haj pilgrimage in 25 years.
63- The company has also lost high-ranking employees in the wake of the management shuffle, which started in June.
64- The deaths come in the wake of a number of police shootings of unarmed citizens.
65- The decision comes in the wake of a crude oil spill near the platform in December.
66- The decision comes in the wake of recommendations from a Cabinet subcommittee which reviewed the matter.
67- The developments came in the wake of protests at the University of Missouri that brought down two school officials.
68- The future of Virgin's commercial suborbital flight program is unclear in the wake of the tragic accident.
69- The legislation comes in the wake of the deadly Paris attacks.
70- The NFL has also donated millions of dollars to domestic violence support groups in the wake of the controversy.
71- The pair joined forces to raise money for Haiti in the wake of the 2010 earthquake there.
72- The previous undersecretary, Dr. Robert Petzel, stepped down in May 2014 in the wake of the Phoenix scandal.
73- The recommendations are contained in a report in the wake of the Shetland crash.
74- The sacking came in the wake of pressure from advertisers.
75- The social network said it would utilise the function more widely in the wake of November's terrorist attacks in Paris.
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