26- Faced FIFA's ethics committee in 2011 in the wake of the bribery scandal that led to Bin Hammam's life ban.
27- Guerrero says she's seen a flood of responses, both negative and positive, in the wake of her article.
28- Gun sales have spiked in the wake of previous shooting because they tend spark talk of tighter gun controls.
29- Heightened security Belgium's Interior Ministry raised its terror alert level in the wake of the attack.
30- Her community on the reservation is also looking for grace in the wake of a rash of young girls killing themselves.
31- Her departure comes in the wake of a hacking scandal blamed on North Korea, which revealed some embarrassing emails.
32- Here are some things to ponder in the wake of Arizona's victory.
33- However, that important work came to a halt in the wake of the disaster.
34- I worry such openness won't continue in the wake of this scandal.
35- If Musser shared a common trait with Fuld it was perseverance in the wake of an embarrassing defeat.
36- It is the latest major personnel change in the wake of a scandal over the company's cheating on diesel emissions tests.
37- It is the latest state to begin recognizing gay marriage in the wake of a series of court rulings nationwide.
38- It was a different kind of opening due to heightened security in the wake of the shootings in Ottawa.
39- It was an unusual move by Major League Baseball, which usually errs on the side of caution in the wake of tragedy.
40- It's the latest cancellation in the wake of sexual assault allegations against him surfacing from decades ago.
41- Johnson's case -- and the video -- is receiving renewed attention in the wake of the case of McDonald, a black teenager.
42- Lalonde's complaints come in the wake of the release of a report by former Supreme Court justice Marie Deschamps.
43- Less than two years later, Pierson resigned abruptly and under pressure in the wake of security breaches.
44- Lufthansa will propose the spot checks to a task force set up by Germany's airline industry in the wake of the crash.
45- Meteor showers happen when Earth travels through a trail of debris left in the wake of a comet orbiting the sun.
46- MORE TO LIFEThe question of compensation has become even more urgent in the wake of the financial crisis.
47- Moscow formally annexed Crimea earlier this week in the wake of the poll.
48- Not surprisingly then, in the wake of 9/11, Kissinger was an early supporter of a bold military response.
49- On Monday, in the wake of the elections, he said he feared France would end up with a "President Mustapha" one day.
50- Or the executives who resigned in the wake of multiple sexist tweets.
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