1- Scientist David Suzuki is very passionate about saving our environment.
2- Well-known scientist David Suzuki has often been mentioned as a potential political candidate in this country, but he doesn't seem interested in running for office.
3- David Suzuki has suggested that to destroy our environment with so little regard for our future is a collective insanity that is suicidal.
4- suitDavid Suzuki notes that human beings depend on earth and its life-forms for every aspect of their survival and life.
5- David Suzuki notes that we humans are social beings, herd animals who depend on each other at every stage of our lives.
6- David Suzuki has remarked that science can only provide tiny fragmented insights into the natural world.
7- David Suzuki notes that the salty taste of our blood reminds us of our marine evolutionary birth.
8- David Suzuki notes that soil is Earth's primary filter, cleansing and recycling water and decaying material.
9- David Suzuki notes that human beings have a profound need for an intimate bond with the natural world.
10- David Suzuki notes that when air, water, food and warmth are in adequate supply, they fade from our thoughts.
11- failDavid Suzuki notes that across continents, the network of waterways resembles the circulatory system of a human body.
12- David Suzuki has suggested that to destroy our environment with so little regard for our future is a collective insanity that is suicidal.
13- David Suzuki is a well-known environmentalist who has been working hard to educate the people of this country about the dangers of pollution.
14- David Suzuki notes that from our first cry announcing our arrival on earth to our very last sigh at the moment of death, our need for air is absolute.
15- signalDavid Suzuki notes that each new scientific discovery we make merely reveals the magnitude of our ignorance.
16- David Suzuki is one of the most influential figures working for the environment today.
17- David Suzuki notes that water is integral to supporting and maintaining all life on this planet.
18- integrateDavid Suzuki once noted that democracy is most challenged when faced with a crisis.
19- David Suzuki once noted that democracy is most challenged when faced with a crisis.
20- David Suzuki has observed that communications and telecommunications fragment information, so we no longer recognize the interconnection of everything in the world.
21- David Suzuki once remarked that poverty and the unacceptable inequities in distribution of wealth, both between and within countries, lie at the heart of violence and terror.
22- David Suzuki notes that all the domesticated animals and plants that human beings depend on today were once wild.
23- David Suzuki has suggested that love is the defining gift that confers health and humanity on each new human.
24- David Suzuki notes that across continents, the network of waterways resembles the circulatory system of a human body.
25- David Suzuki notes that each new scientific discovery we make merely reveals the magnitude of our ignorance.
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