26- Didi Kuaidi invested $100 million in Lyft as part of the partnership, a move that puzzled the Uber CEO.
27- Enlarge Image CEO Mark Zuckerberg says a billion people signed in to the social network in a single day.
28- GM CEO Dan Akerson had hinted that a dividend might be coming.
29- He replaces Ned Colletti, who is now a senior adviser to team president and CEO Stan Kasten.
30- He was made interim CEO in March, and will now hold the job as a permanent role, it said.
31- He was named best CEO in the Gaming & Lodging industry for four consecutive years by Institutional Investor.
32- I detected nothing that appeared abnormal,"" said Stuart Witt, CEO of the Mojave Air and Space Port."
33- I am led to believe the tail section has been found,"" tweeted AirAsia Group CEO Tony Fernandes."
34- I got a chance to sit down recently with Atlanta-based Portman's CEO, Ambrish Baisiwala.
35- I had always thought 'I'm too sophisticated for this,'"" says Richard Fain, CEO of Royal Caribbean."
36- I'm in CEO middle school now, it's my 7th year.
37- In Armstrong's case, it's not known whether the CEO knew the identities of the employees he called out.
38- In the case of T-Mobile CEO John Legere, a curseless statement is rarer than a polar bear in Silicon Valley.
39- It began as a dorm-room project at USC for CEO Aaron Levie and his co-founder, Dylan Smith.
40- I spent two months working with the CEO of an established eCommerce company that's doing under $10M in revenue.
41- It might not be your goal to become a CEO or a top politician.
42- It was Johnny B. Smith, Mayflower CEO and chairman.
43- 'I've admired PCC's operation for a long time,' Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, said in a press release.
44- I've been CEO of both companies for over 3 months now."
45- I want to eliminate this,"" said Dirk Leuenberger, CEO of Aqua Star, a leading seafood suppler."
46- Jules Kortenhorst is CEO of the Rocky Mountain Institute.
47- Left in the Lurch By Eileen Gunn October 09, 2009 Hubert Engelbrechten became CEO of Fremont (Calif.
48- New CEO Dan Schulman will bring both mobile and prepaid payment experience to the company.
49- No price has been set but Jeffrey Katzenberg, CEO of DreamWorks Animation, is seeking more than $30 a share.
50- Now think about how many other CEOs, VPs, Directors, Managers, etc. are at my company alone.
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