76- We very much regret the situation that led to this settlement,"" said Barclays CEO Antony Jenkins."

77- We wanted to bring more value to our customers and be each other's customers,' Microsoft's CEO said.

78- We'll also make sure we have a great CEO for each business, and we'll determine their compensation.

79- When a corporate CEO pays a lower tax rate than their secretary, we see this stark inequity in action.

80- When I was at P&G, our then-CEO A.G. Lafley highlighted the simple idea that consumer is boss."""

81- Will be interesting to see both Ford's and Boeing's CEO succession picks in the next few years.

82- Wint once worked for American Iron Works, where Savvas Savopoulos, 46, was president and CEO.

83- Women at the VP level and above in asset management heard from three female CEOs of Prudential units.

84- You feel like a kid again,"" said Pitzel, CEO of Club MomMe, a social and educational group for parents."

85- That was George W. Bush, who appointed Mosbacher as CEO.

86- $MSFT New CEO, new management, new devices+services strategy.

87- ;Hidemitsu Torii : Torii Hidemitsu is the CEO of PEACOCK.

88- @Agent Smith Name one CEO earning a million an hour.

89- 'At the time I was satisfied with the explanation by the CEO,' he said.

90- 'CEOs want to go where schools are strong,' he said.

91- 'Firefighters and poliCEOfficers are still fighting for their rights to unionize.'

92- 'Fund flows have shifted dramatically beneath the market's calm surface,' said David Santschi, CEO of TrimTabs.

93- 'I'm excited to have both Teri and Charlie joining our board,' Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said in a news release.

94- 'It was just a lot of hustling, a lot of hard work, pitching, going in and talking,' CEO Amit Pandhi says.

95- 'Let me say up front: As CEO, I'm not satisfied with the numbers on this page.'

96- 'Maybe the third party is a hospital CEO,' he said.

97- 'So it could be �CEO of ABC Corp: Helping business-to-business professionals with all their accounting needs.'

98- 'Study after study states that there is a gap between what a CEO needs and what the HR delivers.

99- 'The companies know each other very well,' Zillow CEO Spencer Rascoff said by telephone.

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