76- The source of the river is somewhere in the mountains.

77- During the time of Christopher Columbus, comets were believed to be the product of gases rising from swamps located somewhere beyond the horizon.

78- I read somewhere that there is one slot machine in Las Vegas for every eight inhabitants.

79- I swear I've met you somewhere before, maybe many years ago.

80- I have lost my umbrella somewhere in the park.

81- I have to buy one.

82- If only they hadn't done that, I might have been able to get somewhere.

83- He went to Narita or somewhere.

84- He lives somewhere around the park.

85- I may have put the key somewhere in this room.

86- He is still somewhere about.

87- One must draw the line somewhere.

88- The thief has to be in here.

89- I'm sure somewhere around is his stronghold so if we can just find that we've got him.

90- I read somewhere that poor neighborhoods have a disproportionately high number of billboards selling tobacco and hard liquor products.

91- I read somewhere that 70% of VCR owners say they've never used the timer function.

92- I read somewhere that most North Americans can only recognize about a hundred different plants, but can easily identify thousands of commercial symbols from advertising.

93- In every episode of television's "Seinfeld", there is a Superman somewhere in at least one scene.

94- I left my passport somewhere.

95- Approximately 3000 people will starve to death somewhere in the world in the time it takes to complete this class.

96- I remember meeting her somewhere.

97- I remember seeing that gentleman somewhere.

98- The universe is so incredibly big that I think there must be life on other planets somewhere.

99- I lost my wallet somewhere around here.

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