1- 'But today you hear of diabetes among Inuit, and at times you'll hear of amputation as well.'

2- Thank you. comments powered by Disqus Man creates bucket list before amputation Obama's plan B for border?

3- False widow spider bite 'led to finger amputation' How dangerous are false widow spiders?

4- Following the amputation, the man was transported to a local trauma center in critical condition.

5- The stigma of amputation in a country that views disability as something to be pitied added to her misery.

6- Therapy has become more important with the possible amputation, which may happen this summer.

7- In other cases the infection can lead to amputation, hearing loss or brain damage.

8- amputation was commonplace, even when unnecessary, and care quite rudimentary.

9- An altercation between Pickett and Carsely resulted in a bullet mutilating Carsely's hand, requiring amputation.

10- As CS Lewis said in his masterpiece A Grief Observed: The death of a beloved is an amputation.

11- Falling into an operating fireplace, he suffered a burn on one leg so severe as to necessitate the amputation of the limb.

12- For unknown reasons, Yuki rebelled against Dai-Shocker and was punished through the amputation of his arm.

13- Higgins' arm would later become severely infected, requiring amputation from the elbow down.

14- If only robbery is committed, amputation of the right hand and the left foot.

15- Kropp is wounded towards the end of the novel and undergoes an amputation.

16- No amputation would be needed, and soon, he decided, neither would the move itself.

17- Obviously because the punishment is the amputation of one or more fingers.

18- Offered amputation by her doctors, her mother refused and took her to Lourdes instead.

19- Often, a limb-sparing operation can be performed, however in some cases amputation is unavoidable.

20- The C-Leg is designed for use on people who have undergone transfemoral amputation, or amputation above the knee.

21- His injuries required the amputation of both his legs above his knees and his right arm slightly below his shoulder.

22- However, Agnew enjoys playing the piano and amputation would make worse his already impaired ability on the instrument.

23- From Gura Sadului he was transported to T�rgu Jiu and that very same day to Craiova, where doctors recommended amputation.

24- His personal life included a battle with diabetes since 1971, which resulted in a kidney transplant and the amputation of both legs.

25- Occasionally if deformities of the knees, legs or feet would prove unresponsive to corrective action, amputation at the knee may be proposed.

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