1- Senior Resident Magistrate Judith Pusey asked Adams why he should not be incarcerated for his crime.

2- A conviction of murder with less explicit intent could still see him incarcerated for up to 20 years.

3- About 138 inmates were incarcerated under Visinescu's command.

4- Among people with a high school diploma, 0.34 percent of white men and 2.18 percent of black men had been incarcerated.

5- As many as 15,000 homosexuals were incarcerated in concentration camps by the Nazis during World War II.

6- As the Pew Research Center has found, African Americans are incarcerated at six times the rate of whites.

7- Currently, 1 in 28 American children, and 1 in 9 African-American children grow up with an incarcerated parent.

8- Emdur talked to the BBC how the photographs show America's incarcerated from their families' points of view.

9- Eventually he began gangbanging, and was incarcerated.

10- For example: "Sometimes the hernia can get stuck in the canal and is called an irreducible or incarcerated femoral hernia."

11- Grandmother Minnie Pearl Thomas is also incarcerated under the same charge.

12- Haysom, who pleaded guilty as an accessory before the fact, is also incarcerated, with a ninety-year sentence.

13- He had been incarcerated inside the prison since 1994.

14- He incarcerated and tortured the same people who had revolted for change.

15- How many kids are incarcerated because they emulated these people being held in high esteem?

16- I guess I feel good in one way that he's incarcerated in a country that may not be so kind and may keep him in jail.

17- If we had brought him back in 2009, he would not have been incarcerated at the time he committed these murders.

18- Johnson is incarcerated in a youth facility and released on his 21st birthday August 11, 2005.

19- Lane the lawyer will be down in Macon, heartsick that the two are still incarcerated.

20- Lawson, 22, had previously been incarcerated on a weapons violation.

21- One of them said, 'You remember 13 years ago when you were supposed to be incarcerated?'

22- Or worse, prisons for the incarcerated elderly?

23- Prosecutors found out that's because he's currently incarcerated in New Mexico.

24- Semrad says Luera was served with a felony warrant on Jan. 30 at the jail where he's incarcerated on drug charges.

25- Shouldn't he actually be incarcerated for this?

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