1- To save money on your food bill while shopping at the grocery store, look down, less costly items are often on bottom shelves, whereas more expensive ones are placed at eye level.
2- Experts advise that to save money on your food bill, you should look down.
3- Less costly items are often on bottom shelves at the supermarket, whereas more expensive ones are placed at eye level.
4- To save money on your food bill at the grocery store, look down, less costly items are often on bottom shelves, whereas more expensive ones are placed at eye level.
5- To save money on your food bill while shopping at the grocery store, look down, less costly items are often on bottom shelves, whereas more expensive ones are placed at eye level.
6- A few years ago, Patrick was up here, he added, putting his hand at eye level, "but the gap has narrowed bit by bit."
7- Erwitt has taken off the glasses and is holding them close to the ground, at eye level with a white poodle.
8- Maybe a bylaw saying at eye level you're not allowed within many feet of someone's home, said Thomson.
9- Rempel says that your monitor should be at eye level -- even if you're standing while typing.
10- Eat what's best for you first; and wherever food is stored, keep your wisest choices at eye level.
11- If he can see the game at the luxury suite level of the stadium as clearly as he did at eye level, Elway will create a second legend.
12- Grasp the handle (Tsuka) with your right hand and draw the sword out at eye level with the blade facing outward on your right side.
13- To save money on your food bill while shopping at the grocery store, look down, less costly items are often on bottom shelves, whereas more expensive ones are placed at eye level.
14- To save money on your food bill at the grocery store, look down, less costly items are often on bottom shelves, whereas more expensive ones are placed at eye level.
15- Experts advise that to save money on your food bill, you should look down. Less costly items are often on bottom shelves at the supermarket, whereas more expensive ones are placed at eye level.
16- To save money on your food bill while shopping at the grocery store, look down, less costly items are often on bottom shelves, whereas more expensive ones are placed at eye level.
17- Your computer screen should be at eye level so that you can work with your neck straight.
18- I raised the head on a base until the eye is at eye level.
19- The heads are viewed from slightly above or at eye level but the undersides of nose and jaw are clearly seen.
20- Make sure the camera lens is at eye level or just slightly higher. Any lower and you'll look like you have a double chin.
21- Large single images should be positioned at eye level.
22- Make sure the camera lens is at eye level or just slightly higher. Any lower and you'll look like you have a double chin.
23- Judges nos . 9 - 11 will, or alongside, the judges platform , the Trampoline bed is at eye level.
24- A notice at eye level inside the bathroom door can jog your memory and avoid some trying mopping-up operations later.
25- Standards are much easier to work on - the work is at eye level and your back doesn't have to break.
Learning Games for Fun :
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