1- Each division is divided into ten sections.

2- Each class is divided into ten divisions.

3- The sky around earth is divided into 12 equal parts.

4- This document is divided into six sections.

5- This dissertation is divided into three main parts.

6- His iconography was divided into 19 aspects.

7- The investigation is divided into five parts.

8- Each tile is divided into nine small triangles.

9- The album is divided into three parts.

10- Each subject is further divided into topics.

11- The museum is divided into tow parts.

12- The main menu is divided into four tabs.

13- The society is divided into local wards.

14- The manuscript is divided into three parts.

15- Twelve figures divided into three groups compose four separate panels.

16- Subjects were randomly divided into 2 different training groups.

17- The book is divided into three parts.

18- Social problems were divided into thirteen categories.

19- Saxony was divided into four large regions.

20- The paid fire department was divided into three companies.

21- Alcohol dosing was divided into three groups.

22- The journal is divided into three independently edited sections.

23- The survey questionnaire was divided into three main parts.

24- The quilt is divided into 4 strips.

25- A circle is divided into 12 equal angles.

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