1- What time's the next train to Washington?
2- The largest office complex in the world is the Pentagon building in Washington, D.
3- C.
4- I visited Washington and then went to New York this next week.
5- George Washington once said that no more real and important service can be rendered to any country than by improving its agriculture.
6- The position of the ship carrying the illegal immigrants is not yet known, but authorities believe it is near the coast of Washington State.
7- George Washington Carver once stated that how far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong because somMount St.
8- Helen's erupted in 1980, sending ash over a large part of the state of Washington.
9- George Washington once stated that few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder.
10- Washington State is becoming a major tourist destination for those who enjoy cycling holidays.
11- We rented all our equipment when we went skiing at Mt.
12- Washington.
13- Logging is one of the main industries of the state of Washington.
14- George Washington Carver once observed that we get closer to God as we get more intimately and understandingly acquainted with the things He has created.
15- In 1982, two 250-foot walls of polished black granite were erected in Washington, D.
16- C.
17- as a monument to the more than 58,000 U.
18- S.
19- men and women who were killed or missing in the Vietnam War.
20- Washington has long been notorious for its high rates of violent crime.
21- The former mayor of Washington, D.
22- C.
23- once said, "I am a great mayor, I am an upstanding Christian man, I am an intelligent man, I am a deeply educated man, I am a humble man.
24- "He is a clerk at the Bank of Washington.
25- The man who designed the White House in Washington, D.
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