51- Dave made a presentation at a seminar on information technology in Washington last month.

52- George Washington once stated that worry is the interest paid by those who borrow trouble.

53- The snow on Mt.

54- Washington is incredible this year, just beautiful, deep powder.

55- George Washington Carver developed shaving cream, face cream, soap, and shampoo, all made from peanuts.

56- In October of 1781, British leader Lord Cornwallis surrendered to General George Washington at Yorktown, signaling the end of the American Revolution.

57- A vessel containing over 50 illegal Chinese migrants has been discovered off the waters of Washington State this morning.

58- The coast of Washington State is a busy shipping lane for boats travelling throughout the Pacific Rim.

59- George Washington once stated that it is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.

60- George Washington once said that no more real and important service can be rendered to any country than by improving its agriculture.

61- George Washington Carver once noted that when you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world.

62- The Russian President flew to Washington this morning to confer with the American President on the crisis developing in the Middle East.

63- The Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.

64- C.

65- contains the world's largest collection of seashells, with over 15 million specimens.

66- In 1982, two 250-foot walls of polished black granite were erected in Washington, D.

67- C.

68- to honor the more than 58,000 U.

69- S.

70- men and women who were killed or missing in the Vietnam War.

71- President George Washington authorized the minting of the first U.

72- S.

73- coins in 1792.

74- According to the FBI, hospitals in Houston, San Francisco, Chicago and Washington have been alerted that they may be targets of a terrorist attack.

75- alienBooker T.

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