26- C.
27- received $500 and a parcel of land in the city as payment for his work.
28- Our political correspondent in Washington will have a special report on the unfolding crisis right after our leading story.
29- George Washington oversaw the construction of the White House, but never actually lived there.
30- In August of 1990, King Hussein of Jordan flew to Washington in an attempt to mediate the United States-Iraq conflict.
31- From the summit at Mount Washington, you can see for miles.
32- My friends and I got together, and chartered a bus to take us to Mount Washington for a weekend of skiing.
33- In 1751, Barbados became the destination of the only overseas journey President George Washington ever made.
34- The Israeli Ambassador spoke briefly with his Syrian counterpart during his visit to Washington.
35- The President leaves Washington for Paris next month.
36- The White House and its landscaped grounds in Washington, D.
37- C.
38- occupy 18 acres of ground.
39- The temperature of the ocean off Washington State only changes about 3 degrees between summer and winter.
40- In 1968, singer and guitarist Jimi Hendrix was awarded an honorary high school diploma from Garfield High School in Seattle, Washington.
41- It is essential that some kind of compromise be reached between Pyongyang and Washington.
42- My family's favorite ski slope at Mount Washington is called Linton's Loop.
43- Two teenage boys have been rescued by the ski patrol after being caught in a small avalanche on Mount Washington.
44- George Washington once said that government is like fire, a handy servant, but a dangerous master.
45- The murder toll in Washington D.
46- C.
47- is currently the highest in the nation.
48- George Washington once noted that a slender acquaintance with the world must convince every man that actions, not words, are the true criterion of the attachment of friends.
49- President George Washington liked to breed roses as a hobby.
50- Mount Washington is a good place for cross-country skiing.
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