1- Many of the people leading today's anti-sweatshop movement are longtime advocates of the Third World's poor and marginalized.
2- He is the governor's longtime companion.
3- Allen was the first coach hired by Oakland after the death of longtime owner Al Davis.
4- Another longtime fan, Christina DeJesus of Yakima, agrees.
5- Another longtime member of the command staff, former Police Chief John Diaz, retired last year.
6- Brazil has a realistic goal for its home games,"" said Alvaro Jose, a longtime Olympic specialist in Brazil."
7- Chestnut got down on bended knee to make it official with longtime girlfriend Neslie Ricasa.
8- He first ran in 1986, succeeding longtime conservative Sen. Barry Goldwater on his retirement.
9- He's been a longtime proponent of the bag ban, and says it has been an organic, grassroots movement.
10- He spent a lot of his time waiting on the finish with Kizzire, a longtime friend from Birmingham, Alabama.
11- He was a longtime pilot, musician, and fisherman.
12- In came Sam Kass, a longtime Chicago friend of the family and chef for hire.
13- Internal strife Egypt has faced turmoil since the uprising that toppled longtime leader Hosni Mubarak in 2011.
14- It's apparently a favorite of longtime captain Rogerio Ceni.
15- It's certainly a prettier way of acting on the two school's longtime rivalry than vandalizing public spaces.
16- Saudi Arabia was a longtime supporter of Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak before his overthrow in 2011.
17- The longtime FIFA chief will also make a personal presidential award and present a fair play prize.
18- The violence escalated after the 2011 ouster and killing of longtime Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi.
19- We are longtime supporters of the DIA and pledge our help to keep it an integral part of our community."""
20- Weingarten and Clinton are longtime friends and allies.
21- You're having a catch-up dinner with a longtime friend.
22- Diaa Hadid, a longtime colleague, described Camilli as warm and funny.
23- 'I met Sam'-Busby's longtime partner, Samuel Byers-'while I was making the movie, and we moved upstairs.
24- 'We're all adrenaline junkies,' longtime nurse Katie Purdom jokes one day after a flurry of activity.
25- 'You've got people who were longtime friends who aren't friends anymore,' he says.
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