51- Carol Brown, a longtime family friend, was one of those in attendance.

52- Carson shot down the idea that "you have to be a longtime politician" to handle issues like foreign policy and finance.

53- Carter is a former deputy defense secretary and longtime Pentagon hand and enjoys widespread support among the Senate.

54- Catherine McKenna, who beat longtime NDP MP Paul Dewar, will represent Ottawa Centre on Parliament Hill.

55- CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- longtime Agriculture Commissioner Gus Douglass was somewhat of a West Virginia legend.

56- Closed Curtain, which he co-directed with longtime friend Kamboziya Partovi, competed at the festival two years ago.

57- CNN affiliate WRAL reported thousands of Duke fans came to the longtime home of the Blue Devils to watch the title game.

58- CNN asked experts if it was even possible for the longtime foes to join forces.

59- Dan Matsch, another longtime Lyons resident, said his rates might actually go down.

60- David Cation is a longtime artist known for large, vibrant paintings with dark themes made by painting with both hands.

61- De Grood, 22, is the son of a longtime Calgary police officer.

62- Doherty, a longtime marriage and family therapist, says he believes it's the first such training for nonprofessionals.

63- Duany, a longtime pal, was among his recommendations.

64- EGYPT: Egypt captured world attention with its 2011 uprising that ousted longtime dictator Hosni Mubarak.

65- Eventually he made his way north to Memphis, Tennessee, a music capital which was to become his longtime base.

66- Fans praised her for conquering the pageant's longtime racial barriers and she became an instant celebrity.

67- Founded in 1878, Scripps holds to the longtime motto, "Give light and the people will find their own way."

68- Frank Nowicki, Mr. MAL 1993 as well as the contest's longtime emcee, lost his mother, Mary, in late 2013.

69- Graham, McCain's longtime friend in the Senate, agreed.

70- Many of the people leading today's anti-sweatshop movement are longtime advocates of the Third World's poor and marginalized.

71- Greg Ebert, a longtime salesman at Guns Galore, said the store couldn't comment on Lopez.

72- Harvey Rosen is both a UPS alumnus, cancer society volunteer and longtime friend of Klatt's.

73- He coaxes murderers to confess longtime Miami-area homicide detective Marshall Frank has met some really bad people.

74- He has longtime friends here in Nashville who come to play music for him and give him hugs, Kim Campbell said.

75- He is survived by three children and his longtime partner, Mimi O'Donnell.

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