26- I remember having seen him somewhere before.

27- I read somewhere that Jennifer Lopez recently insured her bum for a million dollars.

28- I read somewhere that most of the vitamin C in fruits is in the skin.

29- I read somewhere that if you were to rub garlic on the heel of your foot, it would be absorbed by the pores, and eventually show up on your breath.

30- The terrorists are believed to be holding their captives in the basement of a private residence somewhere near the airport.

31- I read somewhere that more cheating takes place in private, friendly gambling games than in all other gambling games combined.

32- I read somewhere that there are more plastic flamingos in the U.

33- S.

34- than real ones.

35- I remember that I met him somewhere.

36- He lives somewhere about here.

37- I read somewhere that the verb "to love" in Persian is "to have a friend.

38- " "I love you" translated literally is "I have you as a friend," and "I don't like you" simply means "I don't have you as a friend.
I may have met her somewhere.

39- His house is somewhere about here.

40- My husband has a bad habit of buying things on impulse without seeing if he can get a better deal somewhere else.

41- It is customary to bring a bottle of wine when you are invited somewhere for supper.

42- I read somewhere that it took engineers 22 years to design the zipper.

43- She looked as though she had seen me somewhere before.

44- kebukebuLet's stop for a rest somewhere with a good view.

45- I want to go somewhere in Europe.

46- Going somewhere tonight?

47- Look at you all dressed up like that.

48- I read somewhere that banging your head against a wall can burn up to 150 calories per hour, but I think I'd rather take up jogging.

49- I read somewhere that in ancient Cambodia, it was illegal to insult a rice plant.

50- I read somewhere that the official map of Syria features a hill only 15 feet high.

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